Because of the beauty and stunning attractiveness of the Orchid flowers and plants, they are taking root in almost all homes or gardens in each town and city in the country of Singapore. Orchids are also the most favorite choice when it comes to flower arrangements and hand bouquets for flower gifting. The florists and flower shops in Singapore provide different kinds of Orchids that are great for home and office decoration and for houseplant home gardening. However, some home gardeners of Orchid plants find it hard to keep the plant alive, especially after blooming. Can an Orchid be revived when it is already dry and leaves and flowers already dropped off? Here’s what the florists say:
Orchids can be revived.
Unless you see the plant in rotten roots, rotten crown, no buds, and pest infested, the Orchid plant is still alive. You can do something to revive the plant with simple and basic techniques. If you see the plant struggling due to too much heat, transferring its pot to a shaded place or to a room with low temperature will help the plant to come back to its health. High temperature can easily damage the plant and its blooms. When blooms are starting to bud, you can help it by placing it in a cooler place or somewhere far from direct heat and light of the sun. In addition, orchids plant with falling leaves and blooms only give signals that the plant has just finished its blooming period and will only need to rest for a while in order to gain strength back. Proper care should be given to the plant while it is in dormant stage.
Orchids can be cared for to re-bloom.
If flowers fall off from the spikes or stems, it could be because the blooming stage is over. But if the buds fall off and did not continue to bloom, the plant is probably starting to wither and dry. To revive it and trigger it to bloom again, the first thing to do is to check whether all the blooms are already removed. This is the sign that the plant has finished its blooming period. You can now cut the spikes at the base leaving one inch of the stalk where new spikes can regrow. The old stems and dead leaves should also be removed to prepare the plant and encourage it to flower again more quickly.
There are also dead roots under the plant that you need to remove if you want to revive the plant and prevent it from dying. Dead roots will be the cause of bacterial and fungal infection if not removed. They will also rot the entire plant eventually. On the other hand, repotting the plant after removing dead roots should be done at least once in every year or in two years.
Giving the plants the needed fertilizer will also ensure the health and quality condition of the Orchid plant. This type of plant does not get any nutrients from the potting mix or from the bark and trunks where it is attached. It needs plant food, proper hydration, humidity, and light in order to get back to life, especially after exhaustion.
Orchids can be kept alive for a long time.
The main factor to keep the orchid plants alive and revived is an ideal growing condition and environment. Most of the problems encountered by gardeners in growing and blooming Orchid plants include overwatering. This is the main reason why the plant becomes mushy and roots become soggy. Too much water left sitting in the pot or in the tray of the pot causes the roots to rot. Instead of having firm and healthy roots, the water affects its quality. If you notice soggy and mushy roots, water the plant less often and let the roots get dry for a while. To help provide humid environment, you can also spritz water into the roots and foliage once in a while.
Plenty of light should also be provided. The plant will need more light but it should be filtered to prevent the sunlight from burning the plant. The blooms and the foliage can easily get sunburned when placed outdoors under the direct heat and light of the sun. By simply providing your plant a shade above to protect it or by placing the plant indoors, you can help revive its condition or prevent too much light from burning it. Windows can also help filter the sunlight while allowing the plant to get sufficient light that it needs. However, an open window may affect the plant. Make sure that the curtain provides shades against direct sunlight.
When flowers fall off and leaves drop off from the plant, you do not have to worry. It is normal for the plant to go through this stage after blooming. When this happens, it shows that the plant is entering dormancy stage. However, if the plant has wilted and yellowing leaves, with roots becoming soggy and brownish in color, it means that the plant needs extra care.
There are ways to revive your Orchid plants from drying and from being wilted. The florists in Singapore can help you with the basic techniques. You can also search online for helpful tips and tricks in saving and reviving your Orchid plants so that they will not only thrive well in your gardens or indoor spaces but will also give you beautiful blooms in the next blooming period.